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#1 Rule for Creating Sweet Scoring Chances in Ringette
I learned a rule in my second year of Junior AA that every ringette player should know. Ready? "If you receive the ring over the offensive blue line, ALWAYS drive to the net." We call this rule, “Drive and Thrive.” You may not always shoot, but you should always drive...
The Keys to Perfect Positioning in the Net – for Ringette Goalies
The Keys to Perfect Positioning in the Net – for Ringette Goalies As a goalie, you need to find the “sweet spot” in your net – how far out can you challenge the shooter? If you are too far OUT of the net, the shooter can easily deke you out of position. If you are too...
Steal This Killer Ringette Team Breakout Pattern
Steal This Killer Ringette Team Breakout Pattern Since ringette is a possession game, 50% of your success will come from having your breakout mastered. If your team can break out of your own end well, you will: Maintain possession of the ring Control the pace of the...
Advanced Breakout Strategies – How to Get the Ring Out of Your End
To successfully get the ring out of your own end, your two defenders and center need to work as a unit. Good defensive support can be the difference between getting a scoring chance or losing the ring deep in your own end. “Support Your Cohort” “Support your cohort”...
How to Be Amazing in the Defensive Triangle
At any given time in the defensive triangle, each defender has a specific job. Each player remains in her area and plays one of three roles: “ring”, “support,” or “talk.” We call this system “Angle the Triangle” because what you are doing is keeping a perfect angle on...
#1 Tip for Scoring Goals in Ringette
The world’s best ringette snipers have a “secret” they all us consistently to score. It’s this: Get as close to the net as possible (without going in the crease) before shooting. At, we call this “getting to the Goal Hole.” Consider the following...
The Secret to Lightening Speed in the Net
Without a doubt, skating is the master skill of ringette. If you become a slightly better skater, you will become a MUCH better ringette player. This is also true for goalies. As you perfect your basic stance, your t-pushing, your telescoping, and your shuffling, you...
How to Inspire Your Ringette Teammates
One of the most powerful strategies you can use to get your team winning is to
lift them up with encouragement. This article gives you five tips you can use to get your
team inspired again.
Trying to Score in Ringette All By Yourself? Do This Instead…
Trying to Score in Ringette All By Yourself? Do This Instead… Are you or your team having trouble scoring because you’re attacking the net all by yourself just a little too often? There’s an easy way to break this habit… It’s simply to realize that scoring goals in...
A Key, Under-Used Strategy for Scoring Goals in Ringette
A Key, Under-Used Play for Scoring Goals in Ringette One of the most deadly plays you can use to score oodles of goals it to “exit and re-enter” the offensive zone when attacking a triangle. In this play, the player without the ring exits and re-enters the zone, picks...
Free Ringette Giveaway
by Laura Warner & Lisa Brown
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