Ringette Goaltending Mastery

Learn to Stop the Ring at Will by Mastering the Art & Science of Goaltending

Online Video Instruction Program

Using our Ringette Goaltending Mastery program, you will be become a star goalie with the net-minding skills to stop the ring at will – no matter what’s going on in the game. You will make game-winning saves…have your pick of teams…lead the league in shutouts…and balloon your confidence larger than Taylor Swift’s fan club. If you’re a coach, you will be able to transform your goalies into brick walls virtually overnight…other teams will groan when they have to play you! Best of all, you will be able to repeatedly and consistently shut the door on other teams instead of watching your hard earned efforts slip through your fingers.

Dear Ringette Friend,

We all know that “Defence wins championships.”

And in ringette, your goalie is the backbone of your defence.

When your goalie is hot, your team plays with swagger…they are so confident in their goalie that they play smart ringette.

The opposite is also true – when your goalie lets in a weak goal or two, your team’s confidence vanishes.

Players start to do “too much.” Panicked that every shot will end up in the back of their net, forwards start reaching for the ring and taking bad penalties. Defenders chase after the ring, push out too far in the triangle, overreach in the neutral zone, giving up fast break chances.

The bottom line?

Your goalie not only has the power to make or break the outcome of a game. She has a huge impact on your team’s psyche.

That’s why all coaches and goalies owe it to themselves to learn Goaltending Mastery.

In this goaltending mastery system, you will learn how to:

Master the Basic Stance

Think of this like a game of Jenga… if you build the foundation strong, you can build a skyscraper on top. Without the proper stance, no other part of your goaltending game will be effective. The stance is what allows you to be balanced and quick. It is also the building block that allows you to move around your crease, properly challenge shooters, and recover if you have to make a pad save.

  • We reveal exactly how you should be standing, where your hands and stick go, and how to fix mistakes in no time flat.
  • We also tell you a little known secret for noticing when you’ve moved from a powerful and balanced stance into an unbalanced one.

Powerful Glove Saves

goalieToo many goalies go for the dramatic “big swoop” only to discover that this puts them off balance and doesn’t usually work anyway.

  • We’ll give you some sneaky drills that will train you to make effective and controlled glove saves.

Magical Crease Movement

Great snipers know how to use good ring control – and quick passing – to keep goalies constantly moving. If you don’t master the skills for moving around the crease (telescoping, shuffling, and t-pushing), you will give the other team all kinds of open net to shoot at. In Goaltending Mastery, you will learn:

  • The hidden key to telescoping back and forth in your net so you’re always challenging shooters properly.
  • The little known secret to small shuffle steps within your crease so you don’t show forwards open net as they move around the offensive zone.
  • The exact recipe for how to t-push across your crease and then recover when you need to make a quick cross-crease save.
  • The secret sauce for finding your posts without looking behind you or losing your proper position in the net.

Confident Challenging

The point of challenging the shooter is to take away her options by showing less of the net to shoot at. Challenging is your positioning in the net: how far out of your net you are standing. You will discover:

  • The #1 technique for finding your sweet spot so you are effectively challenging shooters, no matter where they are on the ice or how fast they are skating.
  • Exactly where to stand in relation to the shooter so you can align yourself with the shooter’s positioning.

Awesome Butterfly Saves

The butterfly is a ‘bread and butter’ save in ringette you must master. You will learn:

  • The three stages of the butterfly save and how to be a genius at each one.
  • Exactly hat to do with your stick and glove while making and recovering from a butterfly save.
  • The hush-hush secret to controlling rebounds when you make a drop save.

Potent Ring Distribution

One of the most powerful roles a goalie plays is to “jump starting” her team’s fast break. You will discover:

  • Where to throw the ring to maximize your team’s success.
  • How to throw the ring with power and accuracy so your teammates pick it up every time.
  • Little known strategies for using fakes and timing to throw off the other team’s forecheckers and help you find open teammates to pass to.

The program is chock full of pictures and videos of the game’s top goalies as they show you exactly how to master each skill. We break each skill down into its smallest parts and show you in real time and slow mo how you can do these skills exactly like ringette’s best goaltenders.

Each step along the way, we also give you fun and easy drills to use to master each skill.

If you are a coach, Ringette Goaltending Mastery is going to take the mystery out of goaltending forever, allowing you to achieve performances that other coaches only dream about.

GONE will be the heartache of getting get faked out and hung out to dry…

GONE will be the disappointment of knowing you COULD have won but didn’t…

GONE will be the days when you rack your brain for a way to teach your goalies how to actually succeed…

Best of all, GONE will be the days your team stops losing their confidence because of poor goaltending. Take it from me: repeated losing isn’t just disappointing. It eats away at your confidence, crushes your motivation, and robs you of your dignity.

You can download the Ringette Goaltending Mastery program immediately and be reading it within minutes. Click here to download immediately. Or, call us at 403-261-2726 to order.

Oops! I Almost Forgot

I want to make this really easy for you, so I’ve included two irresistible bonus gifts:

Bonus Gift #1

Killer Goaltending Secrets

This Special Report will teach you five goaltending secrets that will make you an impenetrable wall! You will learn:

  • The truth about finding the sweet spot in your net
  • A proven technique for stopping breakaways
  • The deadly mistake most goalies make when getting screened and how to avoid it
  • The #1 method for distributing the ring with accuracy
  • How to maximize your chances for stopping the opposition’s shots

goalie6This Special Report will teach you five goaltending secrets that will make you an impenetrable wall! You will learn:

  • The truth about finding the sweet spot in your net
  • A proven technique for stopping breakaways
  • The deadly mistake most goalies make when getting screened and how to avoid it
  • The #1 method for distributing the ring with accuracy
  • How to maximize your chances for stopping the opposition’s shots

Bonus Gift #2

5 Mental Toughness Secrets for Playing Your Best in Big Games

  • goalie3How dissolve try out nerves so you make any team you want
  • Lisa Brown’s never-fail technique for psyching up for play off games
  • How to turn ringette frustration to your advantage so you can succeed no matter what
  • How to remove pressure from yourself so you play with confidence and joy
  • How to be positive and optimistic regardless of what’s happening with your team

The Ringette Goaltending Mastery online video instruction program is intelligently priced at $27 USD*. One tip in this program could make you the backbone of your team. If you are a coach, this program will absolutely catapult your goalies to the next level of ringette success.

When you click the link to order the Ringette Goaltending Mastery program, you will be sent to a secure ordering page.

After ordering, you will be forwarded to a page with your entire program, including instruction, photos and video clips..

All of our training programs are in PDF and MP4 formats. These are compatible with all PC and Macintosh computers and most computers. Just click on the Add to Cart button below and you’ll have instant access to the Ringette Goaltending Mastery program:

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* Due to our secure online ordering system, payments are automatically made in USD. However, all RingetteTips.com prices have been adjust downward (made 25% less expensive) to reflect the currency exchange rate.

Light it up out there,