Goal Scoring Mastery Sale

“World’s Most Natural Goal-Scoring System Lets
You Shoot Like A Team Canada Sniper, Score At Least A Goal A Game, And Win Championships…
Even Without A Big Shot!”

This Goal-Scoring Mastery System Is So Unbelievably Natural Astoundingly Easy And So Simple Everyone Will Think You’re Guiding the Ring Into The Net Using Magic Powers!

Dear Friend,

Ringette Celebration

You’re about 14 days away from terrorizing a whole bunch of unsuspecting goalies.

I’m not kidding. Pretty soon, they are going to dread the sight of you. They may never want to play against you again.


Because in 14 days from now, you’re at long last going to master the art and science of superior, world-class GOAL-SCORING the kind of goal-scoring you see Team Canada forwards display with seeming effortlessness when you watch them at local tournaments.

How can I promise you’re going to have the same goal-scoring know-how as a Team Canada forward just 14 days from now?

Easy. I have in my hot little hands the newest instructional product that we have just put the finishing touches on – and to launch our new site, www.ringettetips.com, we are having a HUGE sale on it today.

And in this remarkable package, we reveal for the first time our exclusive (and totally amazing) system for goal-scoring a subject that I know is dear to your heart.

I realize I don’t need to emphasize how powerful and fun it can be to have exceptional goal-scoring skills.

But it’s time to clear up some myths that too many players and coaches buy into…

MYTH #1: The best way to score is to get a big wrist shot.

A big wrist shot dazzles the crowd, and I do want you to keep working on your shot. But, you can score many more goals using excellent sniper moves and strategies than if you master a big wrist shot. What you need more than anything is a plan for how you are going to pick apart the other team’s defense and goalie no matter how they try to stop you.

MYTH #2: Goal-Scorers are born, not made.

There are some players who take to offense like a duck to water. But there are just as many goal-scorers who learned how to score from studying the ‘best of the best’. I’m living proof. I ended up racking up (probably) the most goals in ringette history, but I started out on defense! Only when I made a decision to figure out what the best snipers were doing that my scoring career really took off.

Ringette Slide

MYTH #3: Scoring goals is hard.

Scoring goals IS hard if you don’t know how but that’s true for pretty much everything. I mean, driving a car is hard if you’ve never done it before! But once you know how to drive a car, you can pretty much do it on autopilot because your unconscious mind knows what to do. The same is true for goal-scoring. Once you know what you’re doing on the ice, you can score goals like clockwork, again and again.

I believe these myths are the reason most players never reach their goal-scoring potential. They are either working on the wrong things in practice, or they don’t consider themselves true ‘sniper material’.

Most Players Give Up On Becoming A Goal-Scoring Genius Even Before They Start

We get out there on the ice, try a few shots, and hope for the best. When it doesn’t happen, we quietly give up and figure we aren’t true sniper material.

No, No, No!

I refuse to let you give up on your goal-scoring dreams. Having spent my life perfecting the art of scoring, I can tell you that there is no greater path to personal confidence than knowing that you can turn a game around simply by popping a quick goal. All you need is a burning desire to become a goal-scoring sniper. We’ll give you the rest.

Ringette Goal

As soon as you get our new Goal-Scoring Mastery Package, you’ll grasp why I can promise you such a thing. This Package will be a true eye-opener for you, because we have amassed a gargantuan hidden cache of lessons, tips, and strategies for truly remarkable goal-scoring.

You may already know that we have worked hands on with over 7,538 ringette athletes at the Ringette Retreat camps since 1993, helping them learn true ringette excellence. In that time, Laura Warner and I have authored 5 instructional DVDs, 13 Special Reports, 131 technical ringette articles, and 61 Mastermind lessons for ringette coaches.

Out of all this accumulated experience, we have put together the ultimate Ringette Goal-Scoring Mastery Package.

Never Taught Before…By Anyone, Anywhere.

The Ringette Goal-Scoring Mastery Package includes every tool we’ve got here for goal-scoring at the Retreat including several online instructional tutorials we’ve never let out of the vault before — so you can transform your goal-scoring skills immediately at a fraction of the regular price.

We are opening the doors (but only slightly) to a limited number of players who want to enjoy the rush of being able to pop goals virtually at will without any special shooting skills right now.

We are limiting the number of Goal-Scoring Mastery Package available for purchase because Laura Warner has graciously offered to spend time personally answering questions from the players who take advantage of it. This personal attention is one of the ways we separate ourselves from others in the field.

Here are the 5 Building Blocks you get in the Goal-Scoring Mastery Package:

Building Block 1
"Ninja Sniper Moves For
Terrorizing Goalies"

Online Instructional Tutorial Featuring 12 DVD Clips, 7 Pages of Instruction, and 7 Insider Tips

Ringette Tips

The first thing you need is the Ninja sniper moves hoarded by AA and National Team players. In this online instructional tutorial, you will master exceptional individual goal-scoring fundamentals. You will learn the following:

  • Accelerate & Burn The Defense. Acceleration is the ability to explode with speed on your skates in the blink of an eye. You will discover how to develop the quick first step you need to blow by a defender 1 vs. 1 and gain yourself a lane to the net.
  • Explosive Change of Speed. Savvy goal-scorers are extremely clever about when & how they use speed to gain an advantage on a defender. Properly executed, a change of speed will send you to the net ‘home free.’
  • How to Create Breakaways (And Score On them). At the risk of stating the obvious, breakaways cause goals. You will learn how the little-known skating patterns you must use to create breakaways game after game, even against the same opponents. This one skill will double your quality chances every game. You will also discover a foolproof formula for scoring on breakaways.

You get immediate access to this online tutorial on a secure part of our Retreat website. It is perfect for players 9-20 years of age. You will be able to walk yourself through it in about 20 minutes. You will be able to immediately try these ideas in your next practice or game!


Building Block 2
"ADVANCED Strategies for Scoring on the Defensive Triangle"

Online Instructional Tutorial Featuring 10 DVD Clips,
12 Pages of Instruction, and 4 Insider Tips

Ringette Defense

Many players can score 1 vs. 1, but only a previous few have the smarts to score on the defensive triangle. You will learn ADVANCED strategies for picking apart the opposition’s triangle and giving yourself golden chances. You will learn the following:

  • Transforming a 1 vs. 3 into a 1 vs. 1. You will learn how to neutralize two of the players in the defensive triangle, transforming it into 1 vs. 1. Once you absorb this fundamental tactic, you will be able to defused and demoralize any triangle.
  • Executing Flawless Picks and Screens. Every now and again you come up against a hot triangle and goalie. While the average shooter bangs her head against the wall with traditional shots, you will know exactly how to execute picks and screens that literally cannot be defended against.
  • The L Offense Secret Weapon. The L-offense is a timeless tactic for creating quality scoring chances against the triangle by leveraging your teammates. You will learn insider, pro secrets for working with your line mates to exhaust and trick the defensive triangle until you create a wide open scoring chance.

You get immediate access to this online tutorial on a secure part of our Retreat website. It is perfect for players 9-20 years of age. You will be able to walk yourself through it in about 20 minutes. You will be able to immediately try these ideas in your next practice or game!


Building Block 3
"Specialty Team Tactics: How To Score
On The 3 vs. 2 Power Play and
4 vs. 3 Situations"

BONUS Section: The Courage to Win
Mental Toughness for Scoring Under Pressure

Online Instructional Tutorial Featuring 8 DVD Clips, 6 Pages of Instruction, and 10 Insider Tips

Ringette Tips

The classic goal-scoring moments in a ringette game are the specialty team situations the power play and the 4 vs 3. In this online instructional tutorial, you will learn KILLER strategies for capitalizing on these very exciting situations. This tutorial includes the following:

  • The Wheel Offense. It is crucial that you understand exactly how to create speed against a two person penalty kill unit. If your pace is too slow, you’ll quickly neutralize your scoring chance. You’ll learn how to create the proper speed and timing necessary to render the two defenders useless.
  • How to Create a 1 vs 1. Your #1 goal on the power play is to get a wide open shot where you can work your magic. You will discover the superior tricks and gambits you must use with your line mates to engineer this opportunity for yourself. Armed with this powerful knowledge, YOU will dictate how this scenario unfolds. Exploiting the 4 vs. 3. Your obvious task on the 4 vs. 3 is to use the extra attacker to create a lane to the net. Only a tiny percentage of players know exactly what needs to happen on a 4 vs. 3. You will learn the specific technique for creating this lane, which will result in a sweet scoring chance.
  • BONUS SECTION: The Courage to Win: Mental Toughness for Scoring Under Pressure. You will discover your innate ability to supercharge yourself with unstoppable self-confidence during pressure games. You will learn how to stay aggressive so you can deliver explosive, flawless goal-scoring performances under pressure even if your team is crumbling around you!

You get immediate access to this online tutorial on a secure part of our Retreat website. It is perfect for players 9-20 years of age. You will be able to walk yourself through it in about 20 minutes. You will be able to immediately try these ideas in your next practice or game!


Building Block 4
"The Top Ten Goal-Scoring Strategies
of All Time"

Online Instructional Tutorial Featuring 7 DVD Clips, 13 Pages of Instruction, and 10 Insider Tips

Ringette Tips

We’ve amassed an Honour Roll of the Top Ten Goal-Scoring Strategies of All Time. These are a compilation of SOPHISTICATED goal-scoring techniques so you can plan out exactly how you are going to skyrocket your goal-scoring. Here’s just a glimpse of what this tutorial includes:

  • The Give & Go. Have you ever wondered how some goal-scorers are able to move the defensive triangle around like pawns in chess game? It’s because of the super-slick concept that top-notch goal-scorers have internalized. This tutorial will let the ‘cat out of the bag’ and show you what these players are doing.
  • The ‘Spin to Win’. World class goal-scorers constantly fooling defenders and goaltenders by perfecting moves that simply CANNOT be defended against. This tutorial will reveal how you can develop the notorious ‘Spin to Win’ move (hint: I used this sweet little trick to score more goals than I can possible count). Like a master hypnotist on the ice, you will literally freeze defenders and goalies.
  • The Accurate Backhand. This shot is my personal favourite, because goalies simply cannot read where it’s going. You will learn the simple keys to this lethal shot. By perfecting it, you will make yourself twice as versatile around the net!

You get immediate access to this online tutorial on a secure part of our Retreat website. It is perfect for players 9-20 years of age. You will be able to walk yourself through it in about 20 minutes. You will be able to immediately try these ideas in your next practice or game!


Building Block 5
Personal Email Coaching from Laura Warner

Laura Warner

As your ultimate inspiration, you’ll be able to email Laura Warner with questions. She will give you coaching, suggestions, and individual help.

If a goalie is keeping you up at night, if you are getting stonewalled 1 vs. 1, if you can’t decide what to do in the offensive zone, if you aren’t nailing breakaways, simply write to Laura and she will help trouble-shoot what’s going wrong.

Of course, Laura has a life, so don’t write her every two hours. But you’ll be shocked how quickly and easily Laura will be able to figure out what you’re doing wrong and correct it just by asking you a few simple questions!

Let’s recap everything you get with the Ringette Goal-Scoring Mastery Package:

  1. Ninja Sniper Moves for Terrorizing Goalies Online Instructional Tutorial (Retail Value: $19.95).
  2. ADVANCED Strategies for Scoring on the Defensive Triangle Online Instructional Tutorial (Retail Value: $19.95).
  3. Specialty Teams: How to Score On The 3 vs. 2 Power Play And The 4 vs. 3 plus BONUS Section: The Courage to Win: Mental Toughness for Goal-ScoringUnder Pressure Online Instructional Tutorial (Retail Value: $19.95).
  4. The Top Ten Goal-Scoring Strategies of All Time Online Instructional Tutorial (Retail Value: $19.95).
  5. Unlimited Email Support with Laura Warner (Retail Value: $49.00).

Taken together, these 7 Building Blocks are worth $128.80.

Your Investment

Your low investment for this Goal Scoring Mastery Package is just $64 $27. Remember, we are capping the number of players who can receive this package because Laura’s time is precious and limited.

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Lisa Brown

Light it up out there,

Lisa Brown

PS Here is perhaps the most important point: if you’re like most players, you’ve spent months and even years trying to improve your skills. You’ve invested the time, but perhaps never gotten the rewards you should. Doesn’t it make sense to explore how these tools I’m offering you today at a ridiculously low investment so you can finally gain the personal confidence and excellence on the ice you deserve?

P.P.S. If you have any questions, call our office at 1-403-261-2726 today. You can ask us anything you like about the package to ensure it is for you before ordering.